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Various types of attractors with trigonometric functions

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SinCos, Pickover and KingsDream

Various types of attractors with trigonometric functions

3D attractors are point clouds generate from sequences of numbers pn{xn,yn,zn} ⇒ pnR3, nN, where n0→∞ denotes the step of the iteration process starting from a initial p0{x0,y0,z0} point.
In the cloud each next point is function of the previous one:

\[ \eqalign { x_{i+1} = \xi(x_i, y_i, z_i) & \\ y_{i+1} = \phi(x_i, y_i, z_i) & \\ z_{i+1} = \psi(x_i, y_i, z_i) & } \qquad \Bigg\{ \eqalign { & x, y, z \in R \\ & [0, i, n_{\rightarrow\infty}[ \text{   } \Rightarrow i,n \in N \\ } \]

In the computational code:


In the ATTRACTORS window of glChAoS.P:

Colors are indicative of point speed: distance between pi and pi+1
You can to start wglChAoS.P with a specific attractor directly from  explore  button. Select lowResources for low resources devices (e.g. mobile devices)

Resolution: X        render in new window
  touchScreen         Full Rendering Mode



\begin{align} x_{i+1} & = sin(k_0 \centerdot y_i) + z_i \centerdot cos(k_1 \centerdot x_i) \\ y_{i+1} & = z_i \centerdot sin(k_2 \centerdot x_i) - cos(k_3 \centerdot y_i) \\ z_{i+1} & = sin( x_i)\\ \end{align}


    pNew.x =     sin(kVal[0]*p.y) - p.z*cos(kVal[1]*p.x);
    pNew.y = p.z*sin(kVal[2]*p.x) -     cos(kVal[3]*p.y);
    pNew.z =     sin(p.x)                               ;

\begin{align} x_{i+1} & = & cos(k_0 \centerdot x_i) + sin(k_1 \centerdot y_i) - sin(k_2 \centerdot z) \\ y_{i+1} & = & sin(k_3 \centerdot x_i) - cos(k_4 \centerdot y_i) + sin(k_5 \centerdot z) \\ z_{i+1} & = & -cos(k_6 \centerdot x_i) + cos(k_7 \centerdot y_i) + cos(k_8 \centerdot z) \\ \end{align}


    pNew.x =  cos(kVal[0]*p.x) + sin(kVal[1]*p.y) - sin(kVal[2]*p.z);
    pNew.y =  sin(kVal[3]*p.x) - cos(kVal[4]*p.y) + sin(kVal[5]*p.z);
    pNew.z = -cos(kVal[6]*p.x) + cos(kVal[7]*p.y) + cos(kVal[8]*p.z);

\begin{align} x_{i+1} & = sin(z_i \centerdot k_0) + k_3 \centerdot sin(x_i \centerdot k_0) \\ y_{i+1} & = sin(x_i \centerdot k_1) + k_4 \centerdot sin(y_i \centerdot k_1) \\ z_{i+1} & = sin(y_i \centerdot k_2) + k_5 \centerdot sin(z_i \centerdot k_2) \\ \end{align}


    pNew.x = sin(p.z * kVal[0]) + kVal[3] * sin(p.x * kVal[0]);
    pNew.y = sin(p.x * kVal[1]) + kVal[4] * sin(p.y * kVal[1]);
    pNew.z = sin(p.y * kVal[2]) + kVal[5] * sin(p.z * kVal[2]);